Preparing Your Plumbing System For The Holidays

Preparing Your Plumbing System For The HolidaysThere is much to accomplish before the holidays officially arrive. Cleaning the entire house, meal planning and preparation, decorating, and the list goes on! Did you include plumbing on your list? Likely, not. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest time of the year for plumbing contractors. This is because plumbing emergencies tend to arise as systems are pushed

Keeping Septic Systems Operational In The Winter

Keeping Septic Systems Operational In The WinterIf you own a home with a septic system, year-round maintenance is necessary to keep things flushing smoothly! From regular clean-outs and septic pumping to treating the area your system is located with care, the crew at Dan’s Plumbing and Septic are here to provide quality septic maintenance services all winter long. Contact us today to schedule service or keep reading to learn more about how you can winterize your septic system for a cold Minnesota winter.

Don’t Plow Snow Off The Top Of Your Septic Tank: Snow above your tank acts as insulation. Tanks could potentially freeze when snow has been plowed off the top, since the layer of insulation was removed. When in doubt, let the snow melt naturally.

Using A Disposal With A Septic System

Using A Disposal With A Septic SystemMost people do not think about their septic system and its function when everything is working the way it should be working. There are steps that homeowners can take though that would help ensure that it lasts for years to come. One of the biggest lessons to learn is what can and cannot be put down the drains if you have a septic system. This becomes especially true if you own or are planning to purchase a disposal system to put in your kitchen sink.

Septic systems separate grease, oil, and solids

Plumbing Process During A New Home Build

Plumbing Process During A New Home BuildConstruction plumbing will overlap with the overall development process. But there is a general step-by-step outline you can expect the plumbing installation to follow. Ready to get started? Professional plumbers at Dan’s Plumbing and Septic are standing by to help take your new construction project to the next level. For quality, competitively priced plumbing and septic services, don’t waste another day.

Step 1: Study local building codes and secure permits
Every region will require different considerations and legal processes that must be followed before and during construction. But there are some universal norms established by the National Uniform Plumbing Code followed across the country. These codes and permits allow for a safe, smooth installation that will stand the test of time. A lot of the time, your general contractor will be helping you with this process.

What to Do if Your Drains Smell Foul

What to Do if Your Drains Smell Foul?A properly maintained residential septic tank should never smell. That means a bad odor inside the home or near the leach field is not a good sign. Smelly septic tanks are a result of the presence of gasses in the system, including hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and methane. The pH levels in these gasses are too acidic for the microorganisms in the tank to digest the organic matter, causing the tank to smell. Not only are these odors unpleasant, but a high concentration of a combination of these gasses can be explosive or even toxic. Luckily, septic tank odors may be remedied relatively easily using a few common household products.

Using Additives To Maintain Septic Performance

Using Additives To Maintain Septic PerformanceMany septic tank additives claim to reduce the time and money required for maintenance. But with a lack of regulation or standardized testing and an abundance of misinformation, it is easy to walk away with more questions than answers.

Septic tank additives claim to provide a variety of benefits. Some additives claim to clean pipes while others break down fats, oils, and greases. Others advertise the ability to improve the bacterial flora in septic tanks and drain fields, limit solid biomass, or even reactivate a dormant system. And others will even claim that regular use of the additive will remove the need for pumping or cleaning the septic system at all. Basically, the alleged benefits